

可持续性 in Statkraft isn’t just something that’s ‘nice to do’. It’s an integral part of how the company runs its business.

在过去十年左右的时间里,世界发生了变化, and profit alone is no longer the ultimate sign of success for a company. A top score on the sustainability index has become just as sought after as a healthy balance sheet.

根据Statkraft的Maja de Vibe, 可持续发展、治理和合规高级副总裁, 和Sidsela Nyebak, 公司可持续发展副总裁, 这种方法并不新鲜. It’s been a part of how Statkraft operates for the past 125 years.

Q&A与Maja de Vibe和Sidsela Nyebak  


What brought you both into the private sector world of sustainability? 

Sidsela: For me, it was a mix of intention and coincidence. 我一直在布鲁塞尔为一个非政府组织工作, and I saw the potential that the private sector had to really make an impact – to influence and change things. Witnessing this reinforced my belief that sustainability is the future for business. And so, 我加入了挪威电信, where I spent 11 years supporting global sustainability initiatives, 特别是在人权方面. 我大约一年前加入Statkraft. I was motivated by the fact that Statkraft is providing solutions for the future, 有长期负责任的商业实践历史吗, and is committed to innovate and invest in the future.

Maja de Vibe

Maja de Vibe is Senior Vice President and head of Statkraft's 可持续性 Governance and Compliance unit.


Maja: It was during my 10 years living and working in Africa, that I was exposed to a range of sustainability-related challenges. It became very clear to me that the private sector had power to do good, essentially effecting change through their buying power, 合作伙伴关系, 以及他们是如何开展业务的. I wanted to contribute to companies who were taking a responsible approach. I was very fortunate to join Statkraft nearly seven years ago.

Sidsela, you mentioned that you see sustainability as the future for businesses. 你能解释一下你的意思吗? 

Sidsela: If you want to be a profitable and successful company, you shouldn’t just think of value in financial terms. 公司的价值还包括其他方面, 比如它如何尊重人, societies and natureand how companies carefully weigh these different concerns as part of their business processes. 

Do you see Statkraft as a company that is succeeding in using their position for good?  

Maja:  We’ve been around for 125 years and throughout that history, 有一种根深蒂固的, long-standing commitment to doing things in the right way. It’s who we are and makes our employees proud to be a part of Statkraft.

西德拉:我同意. I think we are in a unique position as a company given that we are a 93% renewable energy. 气候变化 is probably the greatest challenges of our time, and the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement have brought forward the role of Statkraft in terms of the solution to our climate challenges. I believe that we as a company can use our years of experience to contribute in the right way, 对气候议程有更全面的看法.


Maja:这是采用更广泛方法的一个例子, is the work we do with local communities where we operate. We do extensive consultation work with the local community prior to construction. 十大靠谱网赌根据他们的需要调整十大靠谱网赌的计划. And we plan and run extensive programs to mitigate our impact and to strengthen the livelihoods of the local residents.

Sidsela Nyebak

Sidsela Nyebak is Vice President and head of Statkraft's Corporate 可持续性 unit.


Sidsela: We’ve been operating in Peru since the early 2000s, and over time we’ve learned the importance of partnering with the community. This means understanding the impact that a hydropower plant has on the local farmers, and then actively working with them to produce better crops. We also initiate entrepreneurial opportunities for women and explore ways to help them succeed. It’s all about understanding the needs of that particular community and ensuring that they are better off than before.

你们在全球17个国家开展业务. Is it a challenge to uphold the same standards across a global and diverse portfolio? 

玛雅:这很有挑战性, which is why we’ve put time and resources into building up a strong program to ensure that we uphold the same standards wherever we operate, with a focus on preventing unethical behaviour and any forms of economic crime.

Sidsela: We have good systems in place, but that doesn’t mean it’s always perfect. We need to continue to work systematically over time to mitigate risks, 当问题出现时, we need to learn and adjust the way we work to avoid recurrence.

Do you feel there is more attention and awareness on sustainability issues now? 

Sidsela:当然. We see that the quality of the dialogue has evolved and become more nuanced over the years. 金融业就是一个例子. Investors are showing increasing interest in our sustainability approach and ethical standards. I’m very encouraged to see this interest is only growing.



Statkraft sustainability experts Maja de Vibe 和Sidsela Nyebak are eager to share experiences, best practices and even challenges on a wide range of sustainability matters.

两位女士都是经验丰富的演说家, 话题包括商业道德, compliance, GDPR, 人权和更多. They are passionate about their work and bring that enthusiasm to the stage, 创造充满活力, 互动和教育会议.

